FederlegnoArredo – Salone Internazionale del Mobile, Milan

FederlegnoArredo, milestone of the Italian wood and furniture industry since 1945, defends through its business philosophy the power of Italian craftsmanship, supports the development of Italian enterprises, and champions the Italian lifestyle around the world.

For the Salone Internazionale del Mobile di Milano 2015, FederlegnoArredo chose Studio Tangram holographic technology for the launch of a new app, IN Italy, designed and produced by Four in the Morning, to show the Made in Italy and to create a network between companies.

IN Italy decided to use the holograms of four internationally renowned designers, describing their own experiences and sharing the passion for their job – a passion that grew working side by side with the most prestigious enterprises of Italian furniture industry.

25 minutes of holographic speech and several visual effects explained the value behind every design item, meeting the real driving forces – the companies – understanding their own story and exploring the deep meaning of Italian lifestyle.


To create the hologram we used a 5.5m x 4m Holographic Theatre with texts translated into Italian and English.


Through the communicative power of holographic technology, FederlegnoArredo passed down the personal stories of four designers, which revealed the little bit of magic that marks the unique Italian style.

The audience, charmed by the holographic technology, expressed their satisfaction with rounds of applause. Another event that confirms the public interest in this innovative form of communication, where Studio Tangram is undoubtedly a world leader.


  • Production: Studio Tangram/MDH Hologram
  • Contents: Studio Tangram/MDH Hologram
  • Holographic Theatre Installation: Studio Tangram/MDH Hologram