Budweiser FIFA World Cup Trophy Hologram - Wembley Stadium

Announcing their sponsorship of the Football World Cup 2018 in Russia, Budweiser surprised their exclusive audience at Wembley Stadium with a hologram. MDH’s EyeMagic presented the FIFA World Cup Trophy as hologram, showing Budweiser’s commitment to the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

The event honoured the UK’s football legend Sir Geoff Hurst, the only athlete to ever perform a hat-trick at a World Cup Final. An audience of three hundred VIP invitees including Sir Geoff Hurst  was presented with a photorealistic hologram of the Trophy sending a powerful message on the legacy and the future of football.

MDH Hologram’s newest product, the EyeMagic, is designed for high ambient lighting, and minimal footprint. Supported by technology partner Studio Tangram, MDH delivered a flawless product and content solution for Budweiser and AB InBev in a minimal turnaround time of less than 5 days.


  • Holographic setup – EyeMagic ™: Studio Tangram & MDH Hologram
  • Production: Studio Tangram & MDH Hologram
  • Technical Team: Studio Tangram & MDH Hologram